Sunday, January 23, 2011


I enjoy football season. There are only a few teams I actually root for (2), and they hate each other, but that's perfectly fine with me.

The wonderful thing about football is that it's an excuse to eat: chips, wings, soda (or beer), all sorts of awesome things. It's quite amazing that so many people enjoy watching a bunch of grown men (often quite large men) fight each other over an inflated 'pigskin'.

Maybe it's because it's awesome :)

Possibly the best thing about the Superbowl is the commercials. There are all sorts and anyone who wants to take part in conversations the next day will watch. Otherwise you'll be totally in the dark about 'that bear in the hat' or 'the aliens drinking cola'.

You never know what crazy things the companies will come up with to advertise their products but one thing is for sure: it'll be entertaining.

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