Saturday, February 5, 2011

Rings of Uranus

Due to a lack of topic ideas, I turned to a random topic generator (which turned out to be quite entertaining, I suggest you try it)

The topic: Rings of Uranus
It's been a while since I've had an astronomy class, and I've had many more classes since then, so I'm going to consult wikipedia and see what I find.....

The rings were discovered in 1977 although possibly even in the 1700s. I find this to be just incredible, Uranus is soooooo very far away and yet we know that it has rings! It's amazing!
Uranus is 2.57 BILLION km from the Earth, at its closest; yet we know that it has 13 rings and what the thickness and width is of each ring. Flabbergasting.

Considered to be young by astronomical standards, the rings of Uranus are about 600 million years old. Talk about hard to comprehend, 600 million years! Wanna feel young again? Study astronomy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You meant to say "astronomical standards." Since the discovery of the telescope in the 1600s astronomy and astrology parted ways. Before then they used to be the same science. Still, until the 20th century, many famous and influential astronomers were astrologers as well. Astrology uses many concepts of astronomy, but because the focus is on the influence of the largest and nearest bodies in the solar system, only moderately advanced astronomical knowledge is useful to astrology.

    I recently had a verbal fight with an astronomer who maintained that astrology is fake and fallacious. That's a very usual reaction from that community these days, though there are some closet astrologers still.

    Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, and its influences include originality, versatility, independence, eccentricities, perversion, rebellion, change, disruption and shock. It is associated with science fiction and space exploration. In aspects, it brings about the potential for unexpected events, sudden changes and exploration.

  3. lol, holy explanation, I did mean astronomical. I was composing this at 2am, falling asleep.
