Thursday, February 17, 2011


I have always had a fascination with vampires thoug I'm not sure why. I remember dreaming about Dracula's castle in 2nd grade but I don't think I had read any vampire-related books or seen any vampire-related movies. I don't know how I was introduced to them.

Until recently I hadn't really watched vampire movies or read vampire books, I liked to search for myths from different cultures telling about vampires. I researched Dracula and discovered that he is descended from Prince Vlad Tepes 'Draculea', a 15th century super-bad guy (whether you were enemy or family).

I would like to point out that yet another super-bad guy has stupid looking facial hair...

If you're interested Vlad please see the link above, it's back to vampires for me :)

Vampires, as most mysterious beings, have many different explanations, characteristics, weaknesses, etc. depending upon whom you consult. In my mind they are the perfect predator, strong and fast yet seductive. They can frighten their prey or seduce it to its own demise. Yes, they are evil, but the very coolest sort of evil.

Vampires should be the epitome of grace and hotness.

I have begun reading Dracula (free download from Borders for ereaders :D hooray free books!) and, thus far, my picture has mostly been true. However, it does bother me that in mysterious- creature- type stories those who suspect the 'monster' constantly allude to it without just telling everyone else what they saw.

Communication: lack of it will get you killed by funky monster things.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Rings of Uranus

Due to a lack of topic ideas, I turned to a random topic generator (which turned out to be quite entertaining, I suggest you try it)

The topic: Rings of Uranus
It's been a while since I've had an astronomy class, and I've had many more classes since then, so I'm going to consult wikipedia and see what I find.....

The rings were discovered in 1977 although possibly even in the 1700s. I find this to be just incredible, Uranus is soooooo very far away and yet we know that it has rings! It's amazing!
Uranus is 2.57 BILLION km from the Earth, at its closest; yet we know that it has 13 rings and what the thickness and width is of each ring. Flabbergasting.

Considered to be young by astronomical standards, the rings of Uranus are about 600 million years old. Talk about hard to comprehend, 600 million years! Wanna feel young again? Study astronomy.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

PSU Snow Day: Highly Unlikely

The last time Penn State University Park had a snow day was.... February 14th, 2007...before that.... February 17, 2003.

My conclusion: Penn State is kickass.

Students often want a snowday, they're quite a lot of fun, but it's kind of nice to brag about still going to classes during the Snowpocalypse of 2010. Everyone else closed around the region but University Park remained open. There's even a facebook group dedicated to the hardiness of PSU: If the world ends in 2012, Penn State University Park will still be open. It is annoying to walk to class in x feet of snow or on solid ice but it also makes us much more awesome than other schools, other campuses even. We're kickass enough, and possibly foolish enough, to keep on going no matter what the weather.

Apparently Hitler felt the need to chime in on the issue: check out the Youtube video

Ultimate Snowplow Smackdown: State College, PA