Monday, May 30, 2011

Sugary Sweetness

I look forward to the day that artificial sweeteners are found to cause health problems and are no longer used (mostly the no longer used part). The reason for this is quite selfish: I can't stand Diet.

Today I visited Walmart where I saw some very interesting soda flavors, Cherry Limeade, Blueberry Lemonade...yumm. I got 4 bottles and excitedly took a sip of the Cherry Limeade only to be immediately disgusted with the result. One look at the ingredients found the culprit: aspartame. Yuck. The bottles said nothing about sweeteners, Splenda, Diet....just a big pretty picture of cherries and limes :) However, all I tasted was the sweetener; and my taste-buds were less than thrilled.

I enjoy sugar and I enjoy corn syrup but I just cannot bring myself to consume artificial sweeteners. Perhaps if my taste-buds would pay less attention I would have a more enjoyable experience but, for now, I'll continue to steer clear of the Diet aisle and enjoy the sugary sweetness.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I have returned

I seem to have neglected my blog for a few months but I'm baaaack! :)

In my absence I have launched a jewelry brand primarily through etsy called ArtemisSchenck. It's been fun finding new patterns and coming up with original designs. I had my first sale on eBay a few days ago and have thus far received positive reviews on my designs. My new favorite stores have become JoAnn, A.C. Moore, and Michael's...I frequent them often.

In other news:

Prince William and Kate Middleton have tied the knot, yay (she's gorgeous!!!!)

Osama bin Laden is dead, yay

Azerbaijan won Eurovision but Lipstick by Jedward was much more catchy :P They even have more ridiculous hair than Twilight

and aloe works great for treating match burns: always move fingers quickly when lighting matches

Enjoy the wedding photo and the musicvideo until next time :)